Event Details

Requester Information

Requested by:*

Event Manager Information

(Who is in charge of the event and will be present at the event to oversee it?)

Event Manager:*
If this is an uncommon or rare outdoor event, please text or email a sketch to Karl indicating where the presenter will be speaking from. If you choose not to draw a sketch, feel free to stop by Campus Sound or email/call Karl Thompson at karl.thompson@wallawalla.edu/(509) 520-9900 to explain.
Date of event:*
My department agrees to pay a late fee if this request is submitted less than 7 days prior to the event *

*See the Late Submittal Fee Policy above-right.

Account #-Dept. ID-Fund
Event time:*
Ending time:*
Set up is two hours before the event starts. Sound check is one hour before the event starts. Ensure your reservation reflects this.
If this is a secular event, Campus Sound will set up before or after the holy Sabbath hours. Have you planned for this?
Number of attendees (by submitting a Campus Sound request you agree to pay according to our small events policy if fewer than 25 people attend, see our small events policy above):*
My department agrees to pay the small events fee. *
Account #-Dept. ID-Fund

Allow for TWO HOURS, one hour of setup, and one hour of sound check, in your facility reservation request and accommodations.


Is this a musical presentation?*
Contact person for band leader:*
Please check boxes of the equipment you will need:*
Music Stands:*
Over-ear microphone for main presenter?*
Handheld vocal microphones:*
Will there be a Q&A period?*
Please provide people to pass the microphone around for Q&A.
Will there be a PowerPoint presentation?*
Media Source?*
Be aware that wireless internet is not always reliable and that all media files must be downloaded and tested on the source computer at least ONE HOUR before the event begins. We refrain from playing media from online sources like YouTube during events to avoid buffering or other connectivity issues. It is beneficial to send links and files to the sound tech the day before your event so we have sufficient time to download.
(ex: Welcome, prayer, special music, presentation by Dr. McVay, closing prayer)
Do you agree to each statement below (Please check all):*