Did the decedent work for WWC/WWU in a nonstudent employment position?

Surviving Spouse and Children

Surviving spouse

Name of Spouse
Attended Walla Walla

Surviving children

Name of Child
Attended Walla Walla
Name of Child
Attended Walla Walla
Name of Child
Attended Walla Walla
Name of Child
Attended Walla Walla
Name of Child
Attended Walla Walla
Name of Child
Attended Walla Walla

Surviving Parents and Siblings


Name of Father
Attended Walla Walla


Name of Mother
Attended Walla Walla


Name of Sibling
Attended Walla Walla
Name of Sibling
Attended Walla Walla
Name of Sibling
Attended Walla Walla
Name of Sibling
Attended Walla Walla

Information About the Submitter

The information above is provided by

Name of Submitter*

Walla Walla University can accept obituary record information only from immediate family members and appointed executors of the deceased.


I give permission for this obituary information to appear in the print issue of Westwind, which also appears online. I agree to waive all claims against the publisher who is relying exclusively on the accuracy of the information provided on this form.
