Organization Type*
Business Address*
This number will be called only if we have important questions regarding your registration and if a more direct number is not provided below.
Name of Primary Representative Who Will Be Attending*
This address will be used for all correspondence relating to the event.
Is this person an alum of Walla Walla University?*
Please provide the total number of representatives that will be attending*
Price reflected is per guest. The quantity selected will be how many meals are prepared for your organization.
$ 10.00
Additional Representative #1*
Is this person an alum of Walla Walla University?*
Additional Representative #2*
Is this person an alum of Walla Walla University? *
Will the Representative(s) Be Bringing Job Descriptions?*
Will you need access to electricity at your table for the event?*
Please send your payment to:
Walla Walla University
Attn. Cashier's Office
204 S. College Avenue
College Place, WA  99324
Checks can be made payable to Walla Walla University, and mark them S.T.E.M. Fair.